Radio data transfer!

I have been working through some of Robert Faluidi’s excellent book ” Building Wireless Sensor Networks with Zigbee, Xbee and Arduino Processing”  Working with these radios has been a lot of fun.  The book is a great introduction to the basics and gives you a great idea for what can be done with a little imagination.

My plan for the chip boiler is to continue building and testing blocks of code that will be all integrated into the boiler control program at least at some point for some of the testing period.  Last winter the boiler ran for approximately a month and  a half.  In that time there were many starts and stops which made me wish the Arduino could provide better data for the feedback of the program itself, hence the data logging program just tested.

A second desire is the real time temperature monitoring of the boiler water as well as the auger feed pipe temperature.  Hence the need for wireless radio temperature monitoring.    That is what the wireless data transfer will accomplish.  I am picturing a simple box with a LCD screen to display the data running on a 9v battery.  Video to follow soon. Thanks as always for reading.